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Monday, May 31, 2010

At the moment I am...

  • so tired. When I write a post on my overnights I usually read it the next day and change almost the entire thing. Why? Because most of what i write at 4 am is crazy talk. and very misspelled.
  • Listening to this. I'm so excited for her to play at Nitefall on the River in DM this summer. I saw her play at Peoples and she was amazing!!! Hit it up if you're free! 
  • Thinking twice about reading wedding magazines in public anymore. I had some time to kill before I went into work on friday so I headed over to Barnes and Noble. I happily helped myself to a coffee and the new Martha Stewart Wedding issue. The lady sitting next to me apologized for being on her cell phone while I was reading.  I told her it was no big deal since I was only reading a wedding magazine, nothing important. She then responded with, "Oh, when's the big day?!?!? "I wanted to respond with, " Dear god, hopefully within the next ten years when I can find myself a man" But instead I just awkwardly laughed and said something about not even being engaged but how a girl can dream though. niiiiice.
  • Speaking of being engaged, my dear friend Mellisa just got engaged on Saturday, and I couldn't be happier for her!! I can't wait to take engagement pictures her and Aaron. and her huge rock!!!
  • Reading this. Good for my soul. Also a huge reality check to things I need to work on
  • .Editing pictures like it's goin outta style. Here's a little somethin-somethin for your viewing pleasure!


Becky said...

ahhhh! I am so excited to see them all!!!!

FawnB said...

love your late night blog, and love how I chat it up with you in the AM (me)fresh off a nights sleep and midway through realize you have been up ALL night wrapping up your overnight :)

Ashley Gettman said...

your posts always make me laugh so hard. I'm so L-U-C-K-Y lucky! to have someone like you as a friend!