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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trying to keep my head above water.

I feel a bit like I'm one of those little kids who sees the deep end of a pool. It seems exciting and adventuress and all the cool  kids are over there. They are making it look so easy, and they seem to be having so. much. fun. I know that I'm not a good swimmer, but I'm sure I'll be fine. So instead of slowly wading over, I jump right in.  And it's awesome. I'm in the middle of the deep end, exactly where I wanted to be.

Then my arms and legs start to get tired, and now I'm barely treading water. The panic starts to kick in and I think to myself, " What was I thinking?????"  People are starting to look at me with worried faces. They wonder why such a little girl who has no idea what she's doing is trying to swim the in deep end all by herself. I'm in way over my head.  I don't know how to swim like them - I can barely float.

yeah, I'm so there right now.

Now he seems very happy to be treading water. 

( And no silly, I did not take this picture. When was the last time you saw me swimming in the ocean with a piglet??)


Jon & Jennifer said...

Allison, you are doing such a great job with the pictures you're taking and I'm sure it feels like you're barely hanging in there but you're doing what you love and you're passionate about it...and it shows in your work!!!

Missy... said...

You're doing a FANTASTIC job! Hang in there, girl!

Melissa Nord said...

frooooo! :(

keep your chin up. i hope you know that i'm always here to talk. or drink. or walk. or... whatever you want!!!

The Gausman Six said...

Allison -

You have such talent! I can't tell you how many compliments we've gotten on the pictures you took of our family. While the logistics can be overwhelming, don't let them get in the way of your dream.

Time management is my specialty (4 kids will do that to you!). If it would help you talk through some of our tricks, let me know.

Keep up the great work.
Shannon Gausman

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the comments above :) We think you do an incredible job!!

love, the sears family :)

Shelly said...

Ditto again - you have a real talent! Let me know when you are working - I have something for you that will cheer you up and I will bring it over! Shelly

Deb said...

Keep treading, you'll get there.

P.S Cool pic. Did you take it? I was wanting to use it myself.